September 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Firstly, I would like to welcome everyone back for a new academic year. Secondly, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our six new Junior Infants. Please note the school calendar below for this school year. I would like to remind parents to make sure they are signed in to their Aladdin app and that notifications for the app are switched on. Please ensure that you have accepted or declined the most recent Seesaw permission on Aladdin.
School Calendar
All students arriving on school buses will be supervised from 09:05am until school starts at 09:20am. Students are requested to enter the yard by the gate at the side of the PE hall where they will be supervised by a teacher. On rainy days, children can enter the PE hall through the fire escape door. Children who do not come to school by bus can enter the school building/ yard at 9.20am.
New Junior Infant parents: The shortened day for our new Junior Infants will be coming to an end on Wednesday 11th of September. They will be in school from 9.20am to 2.00pm from the 12th of September onwards.
All parents: School will be closed on Monday 18th November to facilitate staff training in the new Primary Maths Curriculum.
Communication with Teachers/School Principal
We wish to remind all parents that should you have any concern for your child’s educational or social well-being at school to please make this immediately known to your child’s class teacher. If you continue to have concerns, please inform Mrs. Magee and a meeting can be arranged to discuss any concerns you may have. It is imperative that all concerns are reported to either the class teacher or Mrs. Magee to protect and support your children while at school. Should you wish to discuss anything with your child’s teacher, appointments can be made at any stage through Catherine in our office. Catherine’s working hours are between 09:30 am – 1:30 pm daily.
Pupils in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes will commence their 6 weeks of swimming on Tuesday 10th September. Payment for these sessions has been released on Aladdin. Please do not hesitate to contact us at the office if there is any difficulty in making these payments as we can arrange an alternative payment schedule.
Harvest Festival & St. Vincent De Paul Collection
We will celebrate our Harvest Festival in St. Mary’s Church on Monday 30th of September at 10.30am. Parents, Guardians and extended family are very welcome to join us. We will also have a food collection for St. Vincent De Paul leading up to our Harvest Festival. Non-perishable food items can be sent into the school up until Wednesday 25th of September.
Staffing for 2024-25 school year
I would like to welcome back Ms. Caroline Watchorn from her maternity leave and I would like to extend a warm welcome to all staff appointed over the summer. Mrs. Elaine Smyth has been appointed as our new Deputy Principal, Ms. Shannon Agar & Ms. Laura Alexander have been appointed to the school in permanent teaching roles and Ms. Aimee Rose and Ms. Rachel Fenlon will be teaching in substitute capacities this year. Ms. Joanne Colgan was appointed as our new SNA for the 2024/2025 year, working with Ms. Meade in one of our classes for children with ASD. I would like to wish Ms. Smyth and Ms. Alexander well in their maternity leaves this coming year. We look forward to meeting the new additions to your families.
Our staffing for 2024-25 is as follows;
Junior/Senior Infants – Ms. Linda Corrigan
1st/2nd class – Ms. Shannon Agar
3rd/4th class – Ms. Aimee Rose
5th class – Ms. Caroline Watchorn
6th class – Mr. James Roberts
SET teachers are Ms. Christine Martin & Ms. Rachel Fenlon
Our mainstream teachers will be supported by the following SNAs; Ms. Majella Kehoe, Ms. Fiona Humphreys & Ms. Olivia O’ Neill.
ASD 1 – Ms. Emma Maher
ASD 2 – Mrs. Liz Meade
Our ASD class-teachers will be supported by the following SNAs; Ms. Mollie Hughes, Ms. Laura Mullins, Ms. Lorna O’Neill/ Ms. Teresa Meaney (job-share) & Ms. Joanne Colgan.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Emer Magee (Principal)