Announcements Art Gallery

Competition winners!

Congratulations to Kyle, Zoe, Nicole, Robyn, Heidi and Sophia. All entries to the competition were fantastic. It was a very difficult decision for our independent judges to make. A huge thanks to everyone who took part. Below is a selection of photos from the competition winning entries.

Art Gallery

Friday’s Art Lesson

Traditionally, most teachers have an art lesson prepared for a Friday. Today’s art lesson will be delivered using YouTube. It’s focus is upon using various art forms, including line, shape and texture.
Today you’ll create a modern art version of a “Selfie”! This tutorial looks at the artwork by Canadian Artist, Sandra Silberzweig.

It asks for you to use chalk pastels and coloured paper, but use whatever you might have to hand at home, cereal boxes or plain paper, paint or crayons.

When you’re finished your Sandra Silberzweig inspired “Selfie” email the school with an image of your finished work. We would love to see how it turns out!